Construction Dewatering Treatment Systems for Construction Site Dewatering

Construction Dewatering Treatment Systems for Construction Site Dewatering

This process of construction dewatering treatment consists of groundwater extraction at the site with the installation of dewatering wells or French drain / trenches around the perimeter of the site by "drawing down" the groundwater level until a steady, dry state of the soil is reached. The dewatering wells will continue to pump groundwater until the structure is constructed or until there is enough mass to keep the structure from floating. In general, it is recommended that the dewatering system stays in place for 2-3 weeks after the scope is finished to ensure the structure does not float and that the waterproofing does not leak.

Construction dewatering contractors and remediation companies use pumps to remove the groundwater from the ground at the water table, for the water to be treated. The groundwater that is recovered from a dewatering project site is often contaminated and requires treatment of the contaminated groundwater for temporary or long-term construction water treatment systems prior to discharge into the storm drain.

Pure Effect, Inc. offers turn-key dewatering treatment systems designed to accommodate the estimated dewatering flow rate and meet the discharge permit requirements. Dewatering is a term used to describe the process of extraction and removal of groundwater or surface water from a construction site. Typically performed by dewatering contractors for a project site, the process of dewatering plays an important role in many Construction projects that involve excavation below the static groundwater level for construction of sub-surface parking structures, bridge caisson/piers, elevator shafts, etc.


For more information on Construction dewatering treatment systems and construction site groundwater remediation systems contact us today!

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