National Fire Prevention Week 10/4/20 – 10/10/20

National Fire Prevention Week 10/4/20 – 10/10/20

During Fire Prevention Week, we are reminded to keep doing our part to prevent fires before they tragically claim lives and destroy homes, businesses, and natural resources.  Every American can play a role in raising awareness about preventing fires and taking simple precautions to help prevent fire-related deaths and injuries.  We also commend our Nation’s brave firefighters and emergency workers who risk their health and safety each day, and we solemnly remember those who gave their lives in service to protect Americans and our communities.  This week, the president encourages all Americans to take steps to prepare their family, property, and community on what to do before, during, and after a fire.

Ways You Can Help Prevent A Fire

  • Check Your Smoke Detectors - Test monthly, Change your batteries as needed and Change your smoke detectors every 10 years
  • Watch your appliances. Did you know 50% of house fires start in the kitchen?
  • Keep a fire extinguisher in the home
  • Check your sleeping areas - make sure your bed has fire retardant material in it, don't use heated blankets while sleeping, space heaters and overloaded sockets.
  • Clear your vents in the laundry room. Laundry room's are high hazard for fire when vents aren't cleared out regularly
  • Keep flammable material away from outside grills & bon fire's
  • Close bedroom doors - house fires spread rapidly when there are no barriers. Closing bedroom doors can prevent fires from spreading rapidly in a home
  • If you smoke, use an ashtray to extinguish your cigarettes. Over 800 fires a year are related to smoking
  • Be safe when lighting a camp fire, and putting them out. When extinguishing a fire, make sure that it is no longer smoking, crackling or smoldering. The coals should be cold enough where you can run your hand through them safely.

For more resources on how to help prevent fires visit:

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