Industrial Wastewater Treatment Systems

Pure Effect, Inc. has over 30 years of experience in Industrial Wastewater Treatment with the goal of reducing waste, reducing/recycling, water sustainability, and discharge compliance with sewer and storm drain NPDES discharge permits.

Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by natural or anthropogenic influence. This also includes industrial wastewater that is generated from a variety of sources, including manufacturing processes, cooling water, large-scale food preparation facilities, plating, aerospace and semiconductor production. In Los Angeles alone, millions of cubic feet of wastewater are generated daily that require some form of treatment to meet internal or agency standards.

Wastewater chemistry is complex and requires numerous types of treatment to reach the desired treatment goal, including:

  • Adjustment of pH using both chemical and natural additives
  • Precipitation of heavy metals
  • Removal of dissolved volatile organic compounds
  • Control of color, odor and temperature
  • Purification to remove chlorides and dissolved solids
  • Reduction of nitrates and sulfates
  • Drinking water pre-treatment and purification

Our treatment technologies include:

  • Absorption media
  • Chemical precipitation
  • Ion exchange media
  • Advanced reverse osmosis
  • Electrochemical dialysis
  • Micro & ultra filtration
  • Advanced Nano-filtration
  • Chemisorption; ab-adsorption media
200 GPM Industrial Wastewater Treatment System - Santa Ana

200 GPM Industrial Wastewater Treatment System

Pure Effect, Inc. is the industry leader in recycling cooling tower blowdown water for reuse in make-up cooling tower water and landscape irrigation in situ soil, saving our clients tens of thousands of dollars annually in fresh water and sewer discharge costs.

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