Memorial Day



Pure Effect will be closed Monday, May 27th and will re open on Tuesday, May 28th.

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Environmental Impacts of Dewatering

Understanding and Mitigating the Environmental Impacts of Dewatering.

Protecting the environment, understanding, and considering the potential effects of construction on the environment is the need of the moment. Dewatering and groundwater control includes a number of solutions that allow constructions and mining to be carried out; however, we must also take into consideration the impacts of these solutions on the environment.

Frequently Used Abbreviations in the Stormwater Industry

List of Frequently Used Abbreviations and Acronyms in the Stormwater Industry

Like every industry, the stormwater industry also has a few essential and frequently used abbreviations and acronyms:
1.        Best Management Practice – BMP
This abbreviation is generally used to when the best method or practice is being talked about to cater to a specific problem.

Carbon Filters For Indoor Air Quality

Are Carbon Filters Effective Against Volatile Active Compounds In The Air?

The findings from recent researches are revealing that the indoor air quality might be of lesser quality compared to the air outside, this means that the air we are breathing in our homes, cars, and offices may be more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors.

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