
Frequently Used Stormwater Abbreviations in the Stormwater Industry

List of Frequently Used Abbreviations and Acronyms in the Stormwater Industry

Like every industry, the stormwater industry also has a few essential and frequently used abbreviations and acronyms:
1.        Best Management Practice – BMP
This abbreviation is generally used to when the best method or practice is being talked about to cater to a specific problem.

Pure Effect Can Assist With Your PFAS/PFOS

  Pure Effect, Inc. will assist you with PFAS/PFOS:

-Evaluation of treatment requirements based on the species of PFAS/PFOS in the groundwater, potable water or wastewater stream.

-Best available treatment methods for PFAS/PFOS Compounds, Specialized GAC and Ion Exchange Resins for maximum removal performances.

Common Dewatering Considerations For Dewatering Contractors

Common Basement Dewatering Considerations and Problems

Groundwater can cause massive hurdles in excavation and basement construction. As a result, it can lengthen the excavation and the basement construction process. Thus, the ideal situation is not to have groundwater to ensure that the excavation and basement construction goes to plan.

Stormwater Filtration Systems

The Case In Favor Of Filtering Stormwater

Groundwater is amongst the most important resources of water for drinking and households use. Water from rain and melted snow plays a significant role in replenishing and recharging groundwater resources. The rainwater that is absorbed into the ground after rains or melted snow turns into groundwater, whereas water that is does not absorb into the ground is referred to as runoff stormwater.

Stormwater Filtering

The Case In Favor Of Filtering Stormwater
Groundwater is amongst the most important resources of water for drinking and households use. Water from rain and melted snow plays a significant role in replenishing and recharging groundwater resources. The rainwater that is absorbed into the ground after rains or melted snow turns into groundwater, whereas water that is does not absorb into the ground is referred to as runoff stormwater.

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